“There’s a pleasant dizzying effect when you observe the designs of weaver and textile designer William Storms…”.
-LUXE Magazine, June 2022

William Storms is a mathematically driven craftsman “fortunate enough” to have discovered the loom- whose work is an ongoing effort to produce three-dimensional work in a traditionally two-dimensional world.
Straddling the worlds of Art and Industry, Storms began his weaving career with a bespoke textile studio in Brooklyn, NY in 2011- where he was quickly introduced to the world of custom handweaving for the Interior Design Trade. This exposure to crafted, custom luxury became the foundation of his practice; working next as a Designer for several prominent Jacquard Mills and simultaneously establishing his signature as an Artist.
The continual focus on blending Craft with Custom Manufacturing is a staple in Storms’ body of work, as both an Artist and a Designer.
“Storms marries form and function with his (super stylish) textile work”.
-Apartment Therapy, Jan 2021